“Werewolf By Night – Part 04”
Trapped like a bird in a cage. Jack Russell has been imprisoned in the Savage Lands while Ka-zar and Shanna decide his fate. As the full moon crests over the Antarctic jungle, night two of the change unfolds. The possessed version of Jack’s wolf form is unlike anything Elsa Bloodstone has ever seen. Before the Savage Land tribes can voice their opinions on what to do with the king of werewolves, its unrelenting howling attracts an unwanted visitor. Kaiju!
Transylvania – Bran Castle, revolution is in the air as vampire and warlock join forces to oust their leader, the Hood! Can they eliminate that megalomaniac before he squanders their precious artifacts? A certain thrall hound of Chthon might have something to say about it.
Reviewer Notes
Wow, the werewolf is amped up to Incredible Hulk level destructiveness. He can easily take out dinosaurs and Kaiju sized monsters with ease. Do we really need Jack this powerful? Sure, I guess. I loved the art in this one. I give this issue four out of five stars.
[army – romanian army], [blood], [bloodgem], [book – darkhold], [bunker – S.H.I.E.L.D. bunker], [cage], [castle], [castle – bran castle], [castle – darkholder castle], [class-four kaiju], [continent – antarctica], [country – romania], [cthulhu spawn], [dark dome], [dark verses], [death], [dinosaur – triceratops], [dinosaurs], [exorcism], [firearm – elsa bloodstone’s shotgun], [first night], [folklore], [food – triceratops meat], [full moon], [gecko lizard], [hand weapon – scimitar], [hand weapon – spear], [jungle], [king of werewolves], [laser cannons], [lasers], [life force], [magic], [metal – vibranium], [monsters], [occult], [occultists], [planet – earth], [prisoner], [region – transylvania], [rhinos], [rocket], [savage land tribe – aerians], [savage land tribe – botor], [savage land tribe – hauk’ka], [savage land tribe – pandorians], [savage land tribe – tubanti], [savage land tribe – vala-kurians], [savage lands], [second night], [socerers], [south pole], [the change], [vampires], [village], [warlocks], [werewolves]
[darkholders], [demo-norus], [elder dorgana], [elsa bloodstone], [hellhounds], [ka-zar – kevin plunder], [matthew plunder], [S.H.I.E.L.D.], [sauron – karl lykos], [shanna the she-devil – shanna o’hara], [stefan], [the hood – parker robbins], [thrall hound of chthon], [werewolf by night – jack russell], [zabu]
Cover Artist(s)