Werewolf By Night  – Volume 04 Issue 04

Werewolf By Night  – Volume 04 Issue 04

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“Werewolf By Night”

High above the Rocky Mountains the monster hunter, Elsa Bloodstone, is in free fall towards the peaks below. She cocks her head back to watch a small private jet filled with vampire corpses veer out of control. Within seconds Elsa pulls the ripcord on her parachute and in one violent jolt she is pulled upward as the nylon material expands. A smile crosses her lips as the monster hunter slowly floats down towards a Bavarian style castle sprawled over the mountain top. It’s time to play “rescue the damsel”. 

Outside the castle grounds, the darkness of night conceals a beast as it races toward the southern facing curtain wall. In one superhuman leap, the King of Werewolves, digs his claws deep into the freshly placed masonry and stonework. Jack Russell, a werewolf by night, begins to scale the large wall upward towards the battlements. Even from this distance, Jack’s heightened sense of smell has detected the girl he is here to save. He knows she is not alone. Doktor Nekromantik’s shadowform monster always permeates the smell of Sulphur. No hiding or for those things.

Will Elsa Bloodstone or Jack Russell find the missing Colorado girl before the clock strikes midnight? Who is the sinister Warlock known as Doktor Nekromantik? In what dimension holds the legendary realm of the Suffering Wastes?

Reviewer Notes

Jack is back, and this time he’s in classic werewolf form. Sorry Beer Wolf, I like the Universal Studios’ Wolfman version of the character the best. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Fran Galàn’s work before, but his art style really fits the monster themes of Werewolf by Night. It’s very Guillermo del Toro-esque if you ask me.

I like the color layouts in this issue as well. The book starts off in monochrome just like last year’s Netflix Werewolf By Night special. Then the pages alternate back and forth to full page color layouts. Really nice job on this one, Marvel. I appreciate something different for a change.

I found it kind of odd that Jack and Elsa knew the Nekromantik guy was a powerful Warlock, yet never thought to bring in someone who specializes in the mystic arts. You would think Doctor Strange would have gotten a courtesy call. What about the Agents of W.A.N.D.? I guess Jack and Elsa like taking the hard route. 

As a fan of Werewolf by Night I did enjoy this one. If Marvel ever does a full run of WWBN again I hope they keep this combination of writer and artist. I give this book four out of five stars. Werewolves 4 life!



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