1st Issue Special – Volume 01 Issue 04

1st Issue Special – Volume 01 Issue 04

My Rating

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Lady Cop

Liza Warner hid under a twin bed as her roommates were violently assaulted nearby. A man burst into their apartment mere seconds ago looking for some woman unknown to Liza. The intruder was clearly crazy and her friends would not last long. The only thing Liza could see as the man choked two women to death was his boots. They were adorned with a distinct skull and crossbones pattern.

Two hours later as the police are busy on the scene collecting evidence, a female officer named Henley commended Liza for the level of details she provided. The lady cop encouraged Liza to join the force and make a difference in her community.  

Cue the montage. Liza Warner attends the police academy and aces every test they throw at her. Graduation day comes and she readies herself for her new assignment. Welcome to the streets Liza, welcome to the concrete jungle…

Poisoned Love!

Officer Liza Warner rushes up flight after flight of narrow stairs in the old brownstone apartment building. There is a woman screaming from the rooftop above. Her police training kicks in as Liza rapidly approaches the door leading to the assault outside. Could it be the mystery man in the crossbones boots? 

On the roof a teenage girl is being assaulted by her gang-banger boyfriend. The poorer areas of Metropolis have become littered with this human trash. Now it’s time for a good cop to make a difference. 

Can the newest lady cop save a girl from two gang members with the use of her hand-to-hand combat training? Will the teenager seek medical help for her VD infection? Does Liza dump her chauvinistic pig of a boyfriend for one who is down with women’s lib? Collector the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes 

It’s national woman’s day so I thought I would celebrate by reviewing the 1975 DC Comics 1st Issue Special No.04 – Lady Cop. What a blast from the past. The decade of the 1970s saw an explosion of women entering the workforce, but more notably applying for positions in fields traditionally thought to be too dangerous for women. Hollywood jumped on this new trend by producing television shows and movies. In the comic book world we were introduced to new blue collar heroes like DC’s Lady Cop and Marvel’s Night Nurse.

 I found this title very similar to the Marvel Comics Night Nurse series. The two women take jobs in the gritty urban areas of major cities. One located in Metropolis, the other in New York City. Both women face the trials of high stress jobs while dealing with men stuck in the traditional all-male workplace mindset. These old books are interesting as they show a snapshot into the real culture at a point in time. 

In Lady Cop, DC Comics also covers real world issues such as domestic abuse, gang violence, and even sexually transmitted diseases (in this case VD). If I remember correctly DC also covered heroin addiction in the Green Arrow series. Correct me if I’m wrong in the comments area below.

The only thing I thought was a little odd about the writing is the fact Liza Warner was trained in firearms at the academy, we even see her class getting lectures on pistol usages, but she doesn’t get to carry a gun on the street? What gives? We see two stabbings and a big lecture about VD, but no gun play. Is the Comic Book Authority that big of a stickler? Lady cops get guns! Carney & Lacey will have to wait until 1982, I guess.

I’m giving Lady Cop 3 out of 5 stars. 



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