Midnight Suns – Volume 01 Issue 02

Midnight Suns – Volume 01 Issue 02

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“Part 2: Prophet of Doom”

Doctor Doom has arrived at the Strange Academy in New Orleans to commandeer Zoe Laveau for his magical experiment, but the Midnight Suns are gathered in defense of the school. A battle ensues but Doom has already lost before one spell has been cast. Agatha Harkness has spirited Zoe away to the ancient fortress of Transia thousands of miles away. Wolverine leads the defense against Doom and his bots as the plot thickens. 

High above on Wundagore Mountain, Agatha begins to debrief Zoe on the past and her role in the coming apocalypse which only those of magical abilities are aware of. This event was triggered eons ago by the witch Harkness and the hunger of the demon lord Valtorr still awaits a sacrifice. 

Will Doctor Doom be able to defend himself against the combined assault of mutant, magic, and vampire hunters? How many artifacts does it take to get to the middle of Doom armor? A one…a two…a three? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

Things are heating up in issue two! I’m not up to speed on who the newer characters are, so I need to do some research. It’s nice to see that there are negative effects to the primary dimension when spell casters use dark magic. I’m giving this issue 4 out of 5 Doombots.



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