Darkwing Duck – Volume 01 Issue 02

Darkwing Duck – Volume 01 Issue 02

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.


With the defeat of Megavolt under his belt, Drake Mallard decides to spend the afternoon with his adopted daughter Gosalyn. Can you say toy store grand opening event?! Time to get Dangerous!

Cut to the interior of Q.B. Toystore, Gosalyn Mallard has just taken a swan dive into a mountainous stack of Princess Quakolina dolls. They are the latest rage in female empowered super heroes (not to mention her highness’ overprotective father who doesn’t trust her). No offense, unlicensed Darkwing Duck action figure line. Wait, what? Darkwing has a toy line? Drake Mallard’s bill drops in awe of the second mountain of toy boxes.

Before Drake can calculate the size of all those unpaid royalty checks, the action figures begin to move under their own free will. Why are all the Darkwing’s beginning to repeat the same catchphrase “It’s Playtime!” Only one duck and banana sidekick team are psychotic enough to answer that question. Quackerjack!

Can Drake Mallard find a telephone booth past the year 1990 to make his quick change in? Is there an evil henchman who is both super scary and very cozy? How many rubber ducks does it take to hang ten? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

I got to hand it to Dynamite Comics, they have captured the essence and humor of the original show to a tee. The first two books could easily be used to produce new television episodes. The writer, Amanda Deibert, has fun pointing out how out of date the source material is. She injects several modern references to the story (with a proverbial elbow to the ribs of us readers). Us Gen-X’ers get it, landline phones are yesterday’s news. Yes, Darkwing uses social media now…wink, wink.

I’m giving Darkwing Duck No.2 four out of five stars. If you are a fan of the original show, buy a copy for yourself and a few extras for your kids. It’s time for them to learn what terror flaps in the night. 



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