Archie Comics: Judgment Day – Volume 01 Issue 01

Archie Comics: Judgment Day – Volume 01 Issue 01

My Rating

Rating: 3 out of 5.

“Judgement Day – Book 01”

Pandora’s box has been opened. Well, more like Dilton Doiley’s. The boy genius has used science to open a portal to hell. Now Riverdale is being flooded with negative reviews on every town and city review website. Even Pop’s Chock’lit Shoppe new clientele is having a hard time finding seating. Thanks, Dilton, you egghead!

As Archie tries to figure out his role in this new world of demons and possessed frenemies, his real friends are becoming further and fewer in between. All is not lost, however, as a new evil has moved into the creepy mansion down the street. This hell-spawn has no love for her own kind or the foolish husband she married. The only question is whether she will help Archie stop the world from burning to spite her man, Satan? Welcome to Judgment Day, Archie!

Reviewer Notes

The art and production in ‘Judgement Day’ was well done, but I had some questions about the storyline. Is this supposed to be part of the hell on earth event started in ‘Chilling Adventures Presents…’ around two years ago? To me, this seems separate, as Dilton has brought Riverdale’s demise. If this is a new event, then why? The fans already have a similar storyline to collect.  It would be nice if the Archie Comics horror series was more unified across their multiple titles and events.

As there is nothing new or unique being introduced here, I’m giving the first issue of ‘Archie Comics: Judgment Day’ miniseries three out of five stars. The Archie fanatics out there might disagree with me. That’s fine. I just think the horror division at Archie Comics needs a little more stewardship.



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