Behold! The Millennium Giants (Aquaman – Volume 05 Issue 43)

Behold! The Millennium Giants (Aquaman – Volume 05 Issue 43)

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“They Might Be Giants”

The Millennium Giant name Cerne has reached the underwater city of Poseidonis. The Earth’s ley lines have made it so. Will the titan be defeated with the combined forces of Aquaman, the Tempest, and Red Superman? Send in the metahumans!

Meanwhile, Koryak of Poseidonis scrambles to evacuate her fellow citizens as the alien ship which makes the foundation of the city begins to power up. Aquaman awaits to take control of the hightech flying fortress. It’s time to launch the heavy firepower!

Can Koryak be persuaded to run for high council? Will the whale pod survive in the hand of Cerne? Does Aquaman possess the telepathic abilities to command the giant? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

The second installment in this miniseries is a blast. I didn’t realize Aquaman had a flying city at his disposal. Red Superman isn’t the brightest. Jim Calafiore’s art is top notch for 1998. I would recommend this one if you have the money to spare.



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