Behold! The Millennium Giants (Supergirl – Volume 04 Issue 20)

Behold! The Millennium Giants (Supergirl – Volume 04 Issue 20)

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“Things Best Left Forgotten”

The city of Troy – 1180 BC, mass chaos erupts through the streets as the people of King Priam scramble towards their homes and loved ones. The earthquakes have never been this severe or as frequent. Screams and the sounds of falling rubble begin to drown out the calls of crying children. 

Standing in the middle of the civil breakdown is the king’s daughter, Cassandra. Tears flow from her almond colored eyes as she stares up toward the heavens. Her visions have become true. Why has Phoebus forsaken her and the lives of her people? No one would listen to her. Even her mother Hecuba called her mad. But the vision of the titan was so vivid. 

A random soldier crashes into Cassandra as the man attempts to flee in terror. The king’s daughter is knocked sprawling onto the marble paveway. Another person steps on her arm as they run towards the city gates. There is no use in screaming as an enormous shadow begins to block out the afternoon sun. Cassandra sits up then looks toward the northern sky. In seconds a titanic sized appendage crushes downward, destroying the market square where she laid. 

Cassandra awakes in a cold sweat. She looks around but does not find her beloved Troy. Instead she finds herself locked in a padded room. The year is 1998 AD.

Ten miles off the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, Supergirl flies towards the Millennium Giant now labeled Cerne. She is the only asset the Justice League of America has in the area. The young Kryptonian must face the Celtic born titan until reinforcements can arrive. 

Will Supergirl be able to control Cerne with her new found celestial powers? Has Cassandra finally unlocked enough memories to recall her true self? Can Red Superman reach the battle before any of his friends are hurt? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

Supergirl number 20 is a possible key issue for Cassandra.  In anycase, the team behind Supergirl brings us a nice mix of character backstory as well the mental turmoil Supergirl is experiencing in regards to her family problems. I don’t know the history of the 1990’s version of the character, but Linda apparently has angel powers. 

If you are a fan of Supergirl I would recommend getting this issue and follow the Millennium Giant story arch. It’s a task tracking down the various issues but in my opinion it’s well worth the time. I’m giving Supergirl number twenty 4 out of 5 stars.



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