Blade: Red Band – Volume 01 Issue 04

Blade: Red Band – Volume 01 Issue 04
My Rating

Rating: 3 out of 5.

“Blade: Red Band – Part 04”

Blade awakens to find himself bound in chains. Elena, the synthetically altered backstreet fighter, has made the Daywalker a prisoner. Are there no trustworthy allies in the city of Kowloon? In the next few minutes he will find out just how disturbed this woman is.

Meanwhile, several blocks away from the abandoned warehouse, a small force of ravenous vampires begin to zero in on the wounded vampire-hunter and his captor. How do they know where to look? It’s all about the scent. 

Can Blade convince Elena to release him and work as a team to stop Pontius? Has Blade retained all his skills taught to him by the vampire lord Dracula? What secrets are contained in the ancient spell book that Pontius Van Helsing holds so dear? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

Except for Pontious’ backstory, this is another bland comic all the way around. Personally, I don’t think any part of this series is groundbreaking. Yes, there is blood and gore, but I would rather read an interesting story over merely buying a comic simply based off of some gimmick designed to boost sales. I give Blade: Red Band #04 three out of five stars.



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