Blade – Volume 05 Issue 01

Blade – Volume 05 Issue 01

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“Mother Of Evil – Part 01”

Several suck-heads are sent flying across the Nightclub dance floor as a Lamborghini Aventador SVL barrels through the plate glass entrance and skids to a halt inches from the bar. A young woman turns on her stool to witness what she thought was a room full of twenty-somethings show their true forms as bloodthirsty vampires. Before the monster’s can regroup and take action against the driver of the wrecked supercar, the driver flips on the high beams and several patrons burst into Flaming ash.

UV lights have always been a favorite killing tool for Blade. Thankfully his tech worked out the bugs on the headlights earlier this week. Those things are a nightmare to get a hold of in the states. No matter, it’s time to cut heads. The Daywalker pulls the latch to open the gullwing door and is instantly bombarded by bad club music. Whatever happened to Hip-hop?

Three hours later Blade and the young woman stand in the kitchen of an upscale mansion. A werewolf punk named Tanaka owned the overpriced mid-century modern. How the kid got the cash Blade would never know. The vampire hunter presses on with his interrogation of the mark. Why was the woman at the vampire safehouse? Tanaka said something powerful was trying to kill her, but who or what?

The only thing Eric Brooks was able to get out of the woman was her name, Dana Smith. She seemed both shaken and elusive. A masked attacker had killed her boyfriend earlier in the evening causing Dana to flee into the city’s business district, then eventually the nightclub. Blade thought for a moment about his next line of questioning, but he never got the chance as a dark figure crashed through the overhead skylight. A storm of broken glass pelted them like a rogue hailstorm. Blade drew his sword and turned to face their attacker.

What dark force has both vampire and werewolf nations on high alert? Why are the werewolf elders so interested in the young Dana Smith? Will Blade accept Tanaka’s deal or sit on the sidelines? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

Blade is back, and all I can say is that poor, poor Lamborghini. I just hope he lifted it from Tony Stark or some rich vampire elder. Maybe Dracula’s? Anyway, with the Vampire Nation in turmoil, Eric Brooks has moved on to this newest threat called Adana, whoever or whatever that is.

This time we are taken to the emerald jungles of Cambodia where a Doomsday cult is preparing for the end of creation. Who would have guessed? Maybe we will see the return of the Night Thrasher? That would be cool. I believe his origins were from Vietnam.

Overall issue one is well produced and quickly immerses us in the plot. I’m going to give this a four star rating. If all the issues are like this one we should get a solid run.



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