Blade – Volume 05 Issue 02

Blade – Volume 05 Issue 02

My Rating

Rating: 2 out of 5.

“Mother Of Evil – Part 02”

Blade appears on top of a Tokyo highrise apartment and is greeted to a scene of horror. An old acquaintance of Eric is on her knees with a 9mm semiautomatic pistol pressed against her head. The gun is in the hand of a very angry looking Yakuza type. Was this how weapon smugglers did business in Japan nowadays? 

Before the man can pull the trigger on the woman his own head explodes in a wave of bloody chunks. The woman scrambles to her feet as red icor and brain material drip from her own face and hair. She turns to face her rescuer. Blade holsters his weapon and smiles at the mess he made. He had a bad habit of falling for women with baggage.

An hour later Eric wastes no time getting down to business. Tulip was a well known Clairvoyant in the underground circles of the occult. With her contacts in the weapons trade and global black market she is the only one who Blade trusts to acquire supernatural antiquities. The only question is, will his ex lover forgive him long enough to find a weapon that can kill the primordial demon Adana?

Reviewer Notes 

Here we go again with the minimal story rollout. Why not save marvel fans some money and release the five issue series as a graphic novel? There was very little content in issue three, which is a bummer as Blade is one of my favorite characters. 

I literally had more fun trying to figure out what sports car Lord Daido’s men were escaping in. My guess is a 2010 Aston Martin DBS. Any car buffs out there want to chime in? My first thought was a Nissan Z, but those ugly round brake lights weren’t present. 

There isn’t much to talk about with this book. We get introduced to a new character named Tulip. Maybe she’s in a past storyline, I can’t seem to find her on the Marvel sites. There is some random action. Yay, I guess. Hey Marvel how about a compelling script for your top tier characters once in a while? I hate to do this, but this issue gets a two star rating from me.



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