Blade – Volume 05 Issue 06

Blade – Volume 05 Issue 06

My Rating

Rating: 3 out of 5.

“Mother Of Evil – Part 06”

Defeated by the Adana, and now on the run, Blade has arrived in the vampire nation of Vampyrsk. There he throws himself at the mercy of his former enemy, none other than Count Dracula himself. In the past, Blade would have never abandoned his morals, or reduced himself to such a position, but with Lucifer’s sword powerless to stop Adana, and unbridled evil awakening across the planet, the vampire hunter has run out of options.

Over the next few days Blade will learn what it means to be a true killer. Que Dracula’s version of seven-minute abs. Vampire, on!

Will Vlad Tepes Dracula finally reveal his life prior to being bitten? What was the Legion of the Righteous? Can the Adana be defeated without a blessed weapon? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

So Blade is willing to grovel at Dracula’s feet? What…ever! This issue scrapes by with a three out of five star review. There better be some legitimate attempt at dialog coming up in issue seven, or the trashing will truly begin.



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