Blue Devil – Volume 01 Issue 05

Blue Devil – Volume 01 Issue 05
My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“¡Viva Nebiros!”

Escape! The demon Nebiros has retreated, leaving Blue Devil and Zatanna to pick up the pieces. But they are not alone in the Justice League’s satellite headquarters. The Elongated Man begins scouring the various sensor and satellite data looking for residual magic signatures tied to the unearthly monster. Within minutes, the sound of warning alarms filled the command deck like so many songbirds. Central Mexico is their target!

As both heroes are teleported down through the heavens towards Durango, Mexico, Nebiros wreaks havoc on the nearby village of Santa Guadalupe. With the aid of Blue Devil’s technological trident, the demon lord forces the local peasants to worship his newly uncovered temple nestled in the Sierra Madre mountain range. All who resist will die like the fleas they are!

Will the locals bow down to this overbearing tyrant? Can the Mexican Army arrive in time to help Blue Devil and Zatanna stop an invasion from hell? How many temples does Nebiros have anyway? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

With each issue I read of Blue Devil, I like it more and more. Poor Daniel is stuck in that dreaded suit, but he seems to be making the best of things. With Zatanna at his side, things could be way worse. I’m not digging her style here though. No one wears the red lobster hat after Labor Day. Hello!

Writer Dan Mishkin does an excellent job keeping the mood upbeat even when Norm Paxton and the Mexican Army break out the firearms. Paris Cullins has some killer panels here as well. I love his two-page spread of Nebiros’ temple. The weapons and vehicles he draws for the Mexican Army are very funky indeed. Bazooka, anyone? I give issue #5 four out of five stars!



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