Bob Phantom

Bob Phantom

My Rating

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“Bob Phantom”

New York City, where the fake news never sleeps, being a reporter in this town used to mean something. Your reputation was built on fair honest reporting. Now any slub with a cell phone can be lucky enough to break a story. The facts need not apply. 

It’s midmorning and Walt Witney finds himself standing in front of the most famous news organization building on the entire east coast. Walt stares up at the iconic New York Times highrise and wonders just how many of his fellow journalists have walked those halls. Suddenly, Walt’s inner dialog is interrupted by the shrill voice of his chief editor. 

Walt turns to look behind. Maybe it was only his imagination playing tricks on him. Nope, it’s his grouchy boss and editor. The old hag stands in the doorway of the Blue Ribbon Gazette. Walt Witney would have to fantasize about working for the Times some other day. Now, for his daily berating. 

How does one fall from celebrated expose columnist to a second rate Broadway reviewer? Will the bass player for Josie and the Pussycats remember her long lost friendship with Walt? Is Bob Phantom live, or is he Memorex? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes 

I knew nothing about Bob Phantom, but since I’m a fan of the oddball Archie characters I decided to grab this one-shot issue. At the back of the book we are given a brief history of the character.  I’m surprised to discover that Bob Phantom started as a golden age hero. The character was first printed in Blue Ribbon Comics #2 in 1939 by MLJ Magazines. MLJ would later become Archie Comics and unfortunately the character would fade into history. 

It’s now the 21st Century and Bob is back! Jame III, Richard Ortiz, and Juan Bobillo bring us this modern reimagination of the character. The writing is really good in my opinion. James III gives us a mix of witty banter along with some modern political and social commentary. I’m glad to see that Archie Comics allows their writers to touch on delicate topics like this, and hopefully we will see more of this in future titles.

This version of Bob Phantom is not set in the classic Archie universe (the fun zone). I believe this story is set in the darker, and more gritty Riverdale/Chilling Adventures of Sabrina storyline. The writing and art is geared towards the older teen and adult market. I’m more of a fan of the classic setting, but this is a good read in any case.

The only thing I didn’t care for was the art style. I found it a bit lackluster to be honest. I love the original Archie comics art which has defined their market. I know some readers might not like the simple line art, but it is a time tested style. I would have loved to see this book done in the traditional look of Archie, Josie, and Sabrina art. 

I’m giving the Bob Phantom one-shot 5 out of 5 stars.



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