My Rating ★★★ “Blade: Red Band - Part 02” A new vampire threat has risen from the ashes of the Blood Hunt event. A warlord named Pontious Van Helsing has…
My Rating ★★★ “Kardak The Mystic” Just last week, John Cardy was another dime-a-dozen magician performing for a matinée crowd in the two-bit town of Riverdale. Now Cardy is booking…
My Rating ★★★★★ "The Second Life of the Original Wonder Woman" Diana Prince wakes up in a hospital bed somewhere in New York City. Two strangers stare at her as…
My Rating ★★★★★ The Mystery Of The House That Wasn't! The warmth of a fire crackling in the hearth was a perfect remedy for the snowbound travelers. Diana Prince and…
My Rating ★★★ “I Married A Monster!” Men, they are all the same! It doesn't matter if they come from dry land, underwater, or outer space. For Princess Diana, there…
My Rating ★★★ “Army Of Darkness GOREver” Into the void, Ash and the Devourer are pulled with the remains of the droidites. Then every possible reality passes before his eyes.…
My Rating ★★★★ “...The Necronomicon Ex-Mortis!” The Darkness has aligned in all three timelines, but for some – like the evil wiseman, time has no bounds. With all of the…
My Rating ★★★★★ “Helen of Wyndhorn” Into the Thirteen Seas they sailed, Helen of Wyndhorn and Othan the Mighty. Their return to the other world came with one stipulation. Helen…
My Rating ★★★★★ “Helen of Wyndhorn” Helen Cole has recovered from the wounds sustained battling enemies in the other world, but her return to the fantasy realm her father made…
My Rating ★★★★ “Out And Proud” After the fall of Krakoa and the destruction of Orchis, mutants have returned to the human world of prejudice and distrust. As the news…