Catwoman Plus – Volume 01 Issue 01

Catwoman Plus – Volume 01 Issue 01

My Rating

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Undead — and Loving It / Wild Things

Late at night, high above on the rooftops of the Gotham Natural History Museum, Catwoman flees from her latest heist. The silver spear was easy to remove from the stone sarcophagus but getting it past the weird priest looking dudes armed with machine guns was a bit more difficult. As she exits a broken skylight above, the sounds of gunshots erupt below her. Fortunately for Catwoman the bullets are not aimed in her direction. The armed Holy Men begin to fire their weapons at the thing emerging from the sarcophagus.

Several blocks away at the Gotham bus station, Nina Skorzeny, also known as the Scream Queen, exits bus number 666 after a several day commute. Arnold Burnsteel felt the young vampire would be safe mixed in with the local scum and degenerates. That doesn’t seem to be the case. Nina becomes depressed as she walks the trash filled streets looking for her contact. She doesn’t like the smell of breathers, it is worse when they are unbathed. 

After several encounters with hoodlums Nina uses one of her dark powers to camouflage herself. A black cat begins to slink up a fire escape into an open window. Inside a lavish apartment Scream Queen finds herself in the company of several other cats. Puuurfect!

Daytime, Gotham Natural History Museum, two R-Complex agents converse with the local CSI investigators. The scene inside the shipping and receiving area is a total bloodbath. Several bodies, they think, have been torn to pieces and It will take days to reconstruct the crime. Fortunately R-Complex has sent one of their expert trackers to help find the vampire named Nina Skorzeny. A troll buy the name of Mr. Swindon has picked up a vampire’s scent and there is no time to waste!

What is the Uzbekistan legend of Khatta-khun and the Lance of Subotai? Where does one get a Troll nowadays? How many lives does Catwoman have left before she sees the big catnip in the sky? Will Arnold Burnsteel and Fate rescue Scare Tactics from the underground vault known as R-Complex? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

This was an awesome issue! All the different groups come together to track down Nina, but Catwoman gets in the mix. I would recommend this book even if you are not a Scare Tactics fan. There are a lot of supernatural events happening in Batman’s backyard. Five stars for this issue!



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