Challengers of the Unknown – Volume 03 Issue 11

Challengers of the Unknown – Volume 03 Issue 11

My Rating

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Times Fade Away

The elderly man walks down the dark streets in the old Dutch district of Gotham city. He seems to be looking for something. What it is, is not apparent.  His name is Mr. Sands. This was where he was born seventy years ago. Once home to a community of hard working, blue collar families, now the area has decayed into a cesspool for gangs and degenerates. Crime is never far away. 

Sands rounds a street corner as the fog thickens. The humidity has increased suddenly but there is no time to ponder the reasoning. A group of street thugs approaches the elderly visitor, knives and crowbars in their hands. They want his wallet and they are not taking no for an answer. 

Then a batarang flies forth from the shadows. It strikes one of the men in the hand, disarming his switchblade. A flash of green and red, then the full force of Robin strikes the robbers. Sands backs up into the fog as the mask vigilante forces the thieves into a full retreat. 

Robin turns to question the old man, but he watches him continue his path towards the center of the old Dutch district. Robin reluctantly follows. He must warn the man of the dangers within that area of Gotham. There is certain death for someone like that.

Why did Mr. Sands skip the statue ceremony for the original members of the Challengers of the Unknown? Why are there U.S. soldiers from a forgotten Vietnam infantry unit attacking citizens in Gotham City? Will Batman assist the Challengers of the Unknown in their search for their director’s partner? Where is Robin? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

We have Batman! This is a very well written beginning to a story arc involving DC Comics most famous city. Steven Grant, in my opinion, is surpassing Marv Wolfman in regards to storytelling. I’m liking the art from John Paul Leon more and more. This is a very solid issue. Five stars.



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