The Brave and the Bold – Volume 01 Issue 147

The Brave and the Bold – Volume 01 Issue 147

My Rating

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Batman and Supergirl: “Death-Scream from the Sky!”

High above the city of Gotham, in the boardroom at the Wayne Enterprises building, Bruce Wayne begins to address his stockholders. The press and board members eagerly await as Bruce announces S.T.A.R. Laboratories’ newest communications satellite system. This system, known as Project: Globe-Span, will revolutionize Earth’s television and radio communications. 

As the network news stations begin to stream the coverage, the signals are interrupted by a pirate station. A group of terrorists known as the “Children of Light” begin broadcast their demands to the world’s governments. Somehow the group has attached a high powered laser cannon to one of the Globe-Span satellites. If their leader, Kahman Abhood, or the Children of Light will begin blasting cities across the globe. 

Who are the Children of Light, and how did they get a laser on board a top secret satellite? Why is Supergirl losing her powers in random waves? Can S.T.A.R. Laboratories hire more effective rent-a-cops? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

I’ve been trying to find the Brave and the Bold issue with House of Mysteries in it, but so far no luck. I came across the Brave and the Bold No.147 this week and decided to pick it up. It was only $3.00, it has Supergirl in it, what can go wrong? I have to report that 1979 must have been the high point in DC Comics’ lazy writing. 

This issue has several examples why I never liked DC characters when I was a kid. Supergirl has every ridiculous power needed to overcome any situation with the least amount of effort. Here is the list:

– Faster than light flight speed (to intercept the bad guy’s radio signals). Check!

– Telescopic vision (to see miles away into filing cabinets, inside a building, and do a name search within multiple files, while carrying Batman through the air). Check!

– Super Cape (indestructible, air tight material, allowing Batman to survive outer space). Check!

– Heat Vision (powerful enough to melt steel and concrete, but can be used to warm up a frozen human like a microwave oven). Check.

The story itself isn’t the problem here. The no risks, no thought involved writing is. I wouldn’t recommend this unless you are a diehard collector. Three stars.



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