Conan The Barbarian (TB) – Volume 01 Issue 17

Conan The Barbarian (TB) – Volume 01 Issue 17
My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“Twisting Loyalties Part 01 – Fangs & Foolish Thieves”

For many months, Conan sailed under the pirate flag of Bêlit of Shem – the infamous Queen of the Black Coast. As the two lovers raided merchant ships along the coastal waters of the Western Sea, they grew rich off the vast amount of Shemite and Stygian goods plundered. Now they find themselves in the port city of Kyros. There, the crew of the Tigress plan an extended celebration in the ale halls and brothels of the city nicknamed the “Wine Casket Of the West”. 

But not all is safe, even for those who have the coins to prop up the corruption well known in the surrounding kingdoms. As Conan and Bêlit stroll through Kyros’ diverse market quarter, several individuals of the local banditry stalk them from the shadows. Who are these men? How will they fair against two born warriors with a fire for combat?

“Amra And Bêlit – Scourge Of The Southern Seas”

In part seventeen of Jeffrey Shanks’ editorial on Robert E Howard and his world of Hyborian, we learn the history of Conan’s time with the Queen of the Black Coast. To be more specific, the barbarian’s use of the alias Amra. As Howard never expanded upon the story arc past the four short stories presented in pulp fiction magazines, other writers were tasked with fleshing out this part of Conan’s life.

This section is a bibliography, of sorts, listing the further adventures of Bêlit and Conan. From Roy Thomas’ run in the 1970s Marvel Comics series, to Brian Wood stories published by Dark Horse comics. If you truly need to know every detail of the two corsairs, start by reading this article. It is very informative. 

Reviewer Notes

It’s officially 2025 and Titan Comics still reigns as the champion in both comic book artwork and storytelling. The production value is second to none, in my opinion, as we go forward with a new chapter in Conan’s epic quest to find his place in the dangerous world of Hyborian. 

In this issue, we find Conan back in the arms of his one true love, Bêlit of Shem. I’m uncertain if this story arc takes place before, or after the events in the frozen lands of the Aser. I do know it definitely takes place before “Queen of the Black Coast”, written by Robert E Howard. I will just say, the pirate queen doesn’t leave the dark jungles of Kush. 

It is all irrelevant, as Jim Zub presents another sword-swinging adventure for the Conan fans to covet. I did like issue #17 here, but to be honest, I prefer the Ablaze Comics version of Bêlit in their 2022 miniseries “Belit & Valeria: Swords vs. Sorcery”. Ablaze presented her with more depth and swagger. In any case, I give this one four out of five stars. I can’t wait until the next issue. 



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