Conan The Barbarian – Volume 01 Issue 01

Conan The Barbarian – Volume 01 Issue 01

My Rating

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“Bound In Black Stone – Part 01 Scourge Of The Dead”

It was a time of uncertainty for the tribes of Cimmeria. As Aquilonian hosts lay in frost-covered fields, drowning in their own blood, one Son of Crom longed for a world filled with everlasting adventures. It was Conan, a child born of battle, and raised with barbarian steel in his hands, who chose to break with his ancestors and their lands.

Over several years the young wanderer traveled through the icy mountains of Asgard,  fought the dark beasts in the forests of Nemedia, robbed rich trader-barons traveling to the city states of Corinthia, and explored abandoned temples of the spider-god in Zamora, but nothing could alleviate the melancholy thoughts of so many of his tribesmen falling to the Aquilonian spear. It was at this time Conan became a sellsword, killing for any master who paid in gold. It mattered little to him now. His thoughts wandered back to those days in Cimmeria.

Months followed as Conan, newly recruited by a mercenary group hired to defend the anemic trade routes south of Vanadium, saw much bloodshed ordered by his captain – a strong northerner such as himself. Today victory has been plucked from looming defeat, thanks to Conan’s gile and the soured conviction of the enemy. As the sullen rest on their laurels within the village of Hauler’s Roam, the Cimmerian gives his resignation to the reckless captain in the form of a thrashing. Conan will no longer serve such men lacking conviction and ill regard for their subordinates. As the young Cimmerian steps over the body of his former employer, he seeks the comfort of food and a one-eyed tavern maid.

Will Conan return to his homeland and sue for peace with his tribesmen? Why have the skies surrounding Hauler’s Roam turned pitch black at the height of noon. Who is the Pictish woman in flight from the dark forests to the north, crying for those to flee in the wake of a lost army?  Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

The Hyborian Age is back and its most famous Barbarian, Conan, is bigger than ever. Welcome to Titan Books newest adaptation of Robert E Howard’s age of high adventure. You may be asking yourself, “Does this book match the quality and creative genius laid out by its creator?” I say, hell yeah! How is the art? The penciling reminds me of all those old bronze age comic books I loved reading as a child, enhanced with modern digital coloring techniques. What a treat this was.

As a fan of the new Red Sonja series produced by Dynamite Entertainment, and the Bêlit and Valeria series by Ablaze, this is as good, or slightly better. I admit issue one of Conan the Barbarian is way better than I expected. I’m giving it five out of five stars. I will pray to Crom for a lengthy run of books from Titan Books.



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