Conan The Barbarian – Volume 01 Issue 04

Conan The Barbarian – Volume 01 Issue 04

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“Bound In Black Stone – Part 04 Vengeance Of The Lost”

Down in the brackish water Conan and the Skull-clad Priest sank. Just seconds before they traded blows up on the stone spires birthed deep inside the black fortress. Now the two men sink into darkness. 

Then Conan watches through clouded waters as Black tendrils spring forth from the depths below. The hideous appendages lock onto the dying Cult Leader and begin to pull chunks of flesh from his greenish skin. Then the body was no more. Would Conan’s fate be the same?

Then the water cleared. No, the water was gone completely, replaced by a smokey haze. Conan wondered if this was death. Then a voice came from his right. It was a warrior from some time of old. Conan recognized the Pictish elements from the man’s attire but it looked ancient. The warrior approached the Cimmerian and began to weave a tale from times long forgotten. This was no dream, only illusion. Whatever force made this place was more powerful than Conan and his brute strength. He listened intently to the old warrior and his dark past.

Will Conan survive the dark waters hidden in the belly of the Black Stone Fortress. What fate is in store for Brissa and the wounded Cimmerians who escaped the dungeons below? Does the old Pictish blade recovered by Conan have a history with this place and time? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes 

We come to the conclusion of the “Bound In Black Stone” story arc and I have to say I’m a little disappointed with Brissa’s ending. All that time Jim Zub spent building up her relationship with Conan seems a bit of a waste now. I guess there are very few spin-off series in the world of Hyboria. 

With that said, Titan’s “Conan the Barbarian #4” is another solid issue overall. There is a certain character mentioned in the middle, which surprised me, as I always understood Robert E. Howard’s title heroes were reincarnations of each other. It makes no difference in the story, I just found it an interesting footnote. 

I’m giving this issue four out of five stars. I see the series is scheduled for eight issues. Let’s hope Titan can continue the run past that mark. Until next time.



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