Cops: The Job – Volume 01 Issue 04

Cops: The Job – Volume 01 Issue 04

My Rating

Rating: 5 out of 5.


8th Precinct, Detective McGopolan’s office, Heinzucker and Dooley have just finished their recounting of the Eviscerator Killer shooting. Two inspectors from the Internal Affairs Department, and one from the Shooting Investigation Unit, take turns asking questions but Heinzy and Dooley’s stories don’t match that of Officer Maureen Donnegan. They paint Mo in a completely different light than what took place.

Downstairs Maureen awaits the outcome of the investigation but is unaware of the alternative story being told above. Officer Lewis arrives directly from the debriefing to inform Maureen. Heinzucker and Dooley are throwing her under the bus to justify the twelve rounds they put into the serial killer. The Rookie Cop loses it. She races out of the office to confront the two lying scumbags.

Upstairs Jean from I.A.D. clears the room except for Dooley and the inspectors. A familiar tape recorder is produced with an audio recording of him talking with Heinzucker during last week’s burglary investigation. Unknown to Dooley the brownstone building was an integrity test. Both men are now on the hook for corruption. 

Will Officer Maureen Donnegan be cleared in the Eviscerator Killer shooting? How many officers will show up for Nick Caruso’s funeral March? Can a cop from the 8th make it in the highly political department of Midtown Manhattan? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

What an awesome mini series this was. I find it interesting that Marvel Comics never followed up on this storyline even with all the letters from police officers in the back. Was the sales numbers too low? Maybe the budget for “Cops: The Job” came from slush funds? That would have been a great question for Tom DeFalco to answer. 

Overall the characters were based in the real world, I think anyway. There were no references to superheroes in this except for the very last page. A man is seen walking down the sidewalk wearing a Punisher t-shirt. Could this world be set on Earth 616? Possibly. It’s nice to see Marvel publishing non-cape books for a change. I’m giving this issue another five out of five stars. The mini series as a whole is a five star run in my opinion. If you are into police dramas, definitely check this one out.



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