Darkwing Duck – Volume 01 Issue 10

Darkwing Duck – Volume 01 Issue 10

My Rating

Rating: 3 out of 5.

“Hall Of Heroes – Part 04”

The uneasy alliance, kind of sort of known as the Justice Ducks, have expanded their search to the deepest part of the Atlantic Ocean. Will they finally find Launchpad’s missing compass or the mythical underwater city of Ducklantis? According to Herb’s Quackerware tracking data X marks the spot.

Now Darkwing Duck must face his biggest enemy of all time, his gigantic ego. How big is it you may ask? Let’s just say it’s bigger than a giant squid named Frank. Look out Neptunia, Frank is Hangry!

As the Justise Ducks fights off evil sharks and bad teamwork the real villain gets ready to reveal themselves. But is this compass thief a true Supervillain? Cue Darkwing Duck’s having a bad day montage. In seconds St. Canard’s number one crimefighter realizes just how long he has been getting played. Who’s the duck puppet and who’s the duck puppet master? It’s time to get Dangerous!

Will Darkwing Duck finally commit to a little thing called teamwork? Is Herb Muddlefoot’s trackable Quackerware the true hero of this adventure? What the duck is Quackerware anyway? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

We’ve come to the end of Dynamite Entertainment’s Darkwing Duck series, and I have to say I’ve got mixed feelings about this one. As a fan of the original television series, I can say Dynamite has kept true to the original source material. I absolutely enjoyed the first few issues as the writing seemed fresh and focused on entertaining the original fan base. Then the stories quickly regressed towards children’s entertainment. I don’t know, maybe I’m being too critical here? Or maybe the novelty just wore off?

 I did enjoy the series, but in my humble opinion Amanda Deibert dragged out the “Hall of Heroes” story arc too far. Maybe other fans will disagree with me, but the Justice Ducks spent four issues tracking down a missing compass seems like stringing along the reader. This marketing tactic may work with the kids, however for the original fans of the tv show this isn’t something to quack about. See what I did there?

I’m giving the final issue of Darkwing Duck three out of five stars. I wanted to rate the series four out of five stars, but the later issues really hurt the overall number. I’m happy to give Darkwing Duck volume one a three out of five star review.



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