Fantastic Four – Volume 07 Issue 14

Fantastic Four – Volume 07 Issue 14

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“Unforeseeable Future”

The Fantastic Four have returned to New York city in preparation for the Baxter Building rematerialization. It has been a full year since Reed Richards built the device that sent their home and the surrounding landscape into the future. It was an act of desperation of course, but necessary in order to save thousands of lives trapped in the line of fire. The invading force from the Negative Zone would have caused innumerable amounts of death and destruction otherwise.

As the team reaches 42nd Street and Madison Avenue they are shocked to find their empty lot has been converted into an active construction site complete with roach coach and porta potties. The Fantastic Four take a few minutes to observe the workers as they are in the process of constructing a large transmitter dish array. On further inspection Reed Richards confirms this is a configuration he has never seen before. It matters little as Johnny approaches one of the young ladies delivering supplies to the site.

The woman doesn’t seem to be a typical run of the mill construction worker. Come to think about it, none of them do. Each person at the site seems to be more interested in checking off items on their smartphones than helping others complete a larger task. The woman Johnny picks to “investigate” gives him a basic elevator pitch on the project workflow. Most are there voluntarily to participate in a global phone game where they win points for completing various tasks around the city. Today is “win extra points” Saturday, all brought to you by the new Metamind phone app software. Wait, what?

Before Susan can even ask a follow-up question in regards to the “social-good activities” game, Johnny recognized the woman as Francine. Francine, a.k.a. Electro! Realizing she has been fingered by the Fantastic Four, Francine yells to her nearby co-workers. “All Syndicate members, attack!” It’s time to show these old fossils what the next generation of Supervillains can do.

Why is Dan Passi constructing a large Teklogico company transmitter in the foundation of the Baxter Building? Does Johnny Storm really know who Issac Asimov is? What are the Metamind algorithms really searching for? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes 

Alright! So there is an evil Mark Zuckerberg type running an evil Meta inspired social media company? And…there’s an app for that? See, this is something I can get behind. 

Ryan North never seems to rest on his laurels as he dive straight into a wacky tech adventure filled with $100 words and social construct theories. Old Blue-eyes even brings the new dog along for a walk. Lookout Princess, don’t let daddy get your tail stuck in the Trapstr’s patent pending super adhesive! Come-on, Ben.

I’m giving the Unforeseeable Future” four out of five stars. I just hope everything is fine twenty-minutes into the future. If not, there is an app for that.



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