Fantastic Four – Volume 07 Issue 15

Fantastic Four – Volume 07 Issue 15

My Rating

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“The China Brain”

The Baxter Building never came back! But why? Reed Richards looks out into the empty lot his family and friends once called home. His wife Susan places her hand on Reed’s shoulder and gently squeezes. “There has to be something you miscalculated”, she calmly points out. The Fantastic Four take the next few minutes to survey the foundation once occupied by 42nd Street and Madison Avenue. Every New Yorker in the immediate area had witnessed the Baxter Building partially materialize, but within seconds it vanished just as fast as it arrived.

While Reed and Sue continue their debate Ben Grimm tries to hush his dog sidekick Princess Masters Grimm. A random pedestrian stops to read something out loud from her phone and it has spooked the West Highland Terrier. Ben thought woman was a bit strange, it was as if she was reading the message directly to him. Moments later a random man walks up to Reed and delivers a message from his smart phone. “You tried to kill me, Dr. Richards.” Reed Richards does a double take. “Wait, what”?

More and more people begin to deliver random messages from their Metamind accounts. It’s Triple Gems Weekend, didn’t you know. It only takes a few more targeted messages for the Fantastic Four to realize the artificial intelligence app used by billions has become sentient. All your Baxter Building belong to us!

Is the social media application known as Metamind responsible for stopping the Baxter Building from rematerializing? Did Johnny Storm accidently kill an artificial being capable of feelings and emotions? Will the Fantastic Four ever see their loved ones again? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

Oh boy, Ryan North is tackling artificial intelligence. I knew it was going to be just a matter of time before ChatGPT would take over the Earth. Don’t participate in the Tripple Gems Weekend, people! Our downfall is nigh! 

The Metamind story arc had me entertained from start to end. As a software programmer and computer analyst myself, this kind supervillain is always interesting to me. How can a moral superhero stop a villain who uses the common man to do its bidding. You can’t hurt the innocent Ben Grimm, so put those fists away. This is a thinking man’s debacle. I just want to know, Does Reed Richards code in JavaScript or Python? I’m giving issue fifteen of Fantastic Four five out of five stars.



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