Fantastic Four – Volume 07 Issue 27

Fantastic Four – Volume 07 Issue 27
My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“Way, Shape Or Form”

Earth children are so strange. They revere those with superpowers, but shun individuals with shape-shifting abilities by labeling them monsters. For Skrull warrior, N’kalla Masters-Grimm, recess at Benson Elementary School, Arizona would provide more insight into the human psyche than any lessons her adopted parents would ever reveal. Was she a shape-shifter? Yes. Did that make her a monster? No!

Over the next 72 hours, N’kalla would go from the bane of Principal Peabody to the school’s most respected alien on the playground. All thanks to one of the Fantastic Four’s oldest enemies. The only question is whether Jo-Venn will get credit for helping set the school on fire? It’s clobberin’ time!

Why do humans fear shape-shifters so much? Was Benjamin Grimm raised in a barn? Just what are the odds that Reed Richards had an appointment at the school the same day Valeria was sent to the Principal’s office? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes 

Ryan North continues to bring out the best in the Fantastic Four as he explores more of their children’s quirkiness. I love it when N’kalla and Jo-Venn get into trouble, since their powers outshine their naivety. Franklin and Valeria always seem to be the foil in the kid’s schemes.

Too bad, as Volume 7 appears to wrap up with issue #29. I just hope North stays on for the next iteration of the team as he is my favorite writer at Marvel Comics. I give “Way, Shape Or Form” a solid four out of five star review.



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