Free Comic Book Day 2023 – Conan The Barbarian – Volume 01 Issue 00

Free Comic Book Day 2023 – Conan The Barbarian – Volume 01 Issue 00

My Rating

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“Looking For Lands Beyond”

From the south pushed the Aquilonian army. In their plush cities and overwhelming military victories an unsettling arrogance brought their generals to the borders of obstinate Barbarian tribes. It was here the silk dawned soldiers faced a torrent of brutish yet highly skilled Devils who worship steel over anything else. Forty tribes would assemble to rain doom upon their invaders.

This is the saga of Conan of Cimmeria. The victory at Venarium would spark his wanderlust for adventure. Conan’s tale begins here in the gray steps of his ancestors’ homelands. As the morning dawn breaks the Barbarian travels south toward the Gunderlands. Will he ever return? Only the heavens know.

Reviewer Notes 

This is it. This is the one I’ve been waiting for. Conan the Barbarian has returned and this time Titan Comics has done everything right. There is no room for civility or wokeness here, this is raw adventure on the scale Conan’s creator Robert E. Howard had envisioned. 

If you love Conan or are a fan of fantasy books you need to read this series. I’m giving this Free Comic Book Day release five out of five stars. You should really add this one to your Comic book library soon. Crom commands it!



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