Haunted Love – Volume 01 Issue 02

Haunted Love – Volume 01 Issue 02

My Rating

Rating: 3 out of 5.


Terese heard about the miracles performed at 128 Brower Street in the Irish section of London, but she never sought out Madame Toulrose until Michael died. Now Terese sought closure with her one true love. Traveling through a maze of cobblestone streets, the widow was instructed to arrive for the seance thirty minutes after dusk.

For some reason the street lamp never burned consistently in front of Toulrose’s brownstone. The Madame explained it away as vengeful spirits, however Terese never saw one until this very night. As she approaches the arched doorway to knock, a carriage races past the house. It was as if the horses sensed something unusual in the air.

Later in the night Terese sits at an oakwood table placed in the center of Madame Toulrose’s parlor. The oil lamps have been extinguished and replaced with blood red candles. Terese noted the rich smell of cinnamon coming from the wax. As Madame Toulrose began to welcome the spirits into the room a light fog begins to fill the room.

Then the old seer’s voice changed. It was no long that of a flutey elderly woman. No, it was a man’s voice. It sounded familiar. It was Michael’s voice! It had to be. Then above Madame Toulrose’s head, about one meter behind, Terese’s husband appeared in the foggy mists. Tears filled her eyes as Terese began to ask questions.

Can Madame Toulrose’s assistant Richard continue with the seance ruse? Does the old woman know Richard is the brother of Terese’s husband Michael? Has Richard fallen in love with Madame Toulrose’s mark?

I’ll Never Let You Go

Jill used to love dating the bad boys. Oh, adventures they would take her on. Surfing, scuba diving, the dance clubs, Jill couldn’t get enough. Then she fell for the baddest one of all, his name was Burt Carlin. He did it all and then some.

The only thing Jill regretted was his anger issues. That, and his reckless driving habits. He was a speed freak. One night after one of the couple’s fights, Burt sped off in his Corvette, leaving Jill on the side of the road. This would be the last time she would ever see him, as Burt wrapped his car around a telephone pole in Pasadena.

Time passed and she met Arthur. Arthur was on the other side of the spectrum. He was a bit boring, but he was sensible and loved Jill for who she was. They married that April in a low key church in Los Angeles.

As Jill said “I do” she caught a glimpse of a figure standing behind Arthur. It was there, then it wasn’t. As the family began to celebrate the union of the two lovers, Jill heard a faint voice in her ear. “Enjoy your honeymoon, darling Jill…I will be waiting when you get back”. Jill turned to see who was behind her. The ghostly figure of Burt peered at her. The look in his eyes was pure evil.

Why doesn’t anyone else see the man known as Burt Carlin? Will Arthur leave his new bride to face the voices on her own? Who poured the diesel fuel from the fuel can?

Want Your Fortune Told?

An unknown author (possibly Nicola Cuti or Joe Gill) discusses the downfalls of psychic mediums, tarot card readers, and other paranormal spiritualists in this exposé style article. This was a well thought out and informative read.

Reviewer Notes

So the stories begin to slip just after one issue. Don’t get me wrong, I love horror, and I understand this series is targeted to single women from the 1970s, but the two main stories were just blah. The Richard story was a cool concept, but what happened to Michael’s brother was kind of lame. It was more Twilight Zone than haunty.

The Burt Carlin ghost was okay, but again, the ending was not explained very well. Why did Burt become a physical presence for a brief second, and who poured the gasoline?

The editor, George Wildman, really dropped the ball on this one.

The final article was really well written. I wish they would have sighted the author. It was an interesting read. If only John Edwards would have read this, maybe we could have avoided that Crossing Over television show.

I’m giving issue number two of Haunted Love three out of five stars.



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