Haunted Love – Volume 01 Issue 08

Haunted Love – Volume 01 Issue 08

My Rating

Rating: 3 out of 5.

Killer Wolves!

Karl Wogner and a troop of hunters have been on the trail of a large pack of bloodthirsty wolves for several days now.  The harsh terrain of the Hartz Mountains has always been difficult during the winter season, but Karl was born and raised in this area of Germany. The lands and its hazards are all known to him. 

As the men reach an outcropping of rocks overlooking an ice field below, they discover the wolf pack, but they are not alone. In the middle lies a young brunette woman roughly twenty years of age. She is trapped in the middle of wolves as they begin to encircle her. Karl and his hunters descend down the rock face then level their rifles on the beasts. They only have seconds to react as the wolves turn their focus on the men!

Who is the young woman with no name? How many victims will fall to the savage wolves of the Hartz Mountains? Can one hunter find his way to the den of blood?

The Spell

A stranger appeared in the small fishing village near the Cornish Coast one day. It was a beautiful woman with raven hair and a melancholy disposition. Her name was Leona Hawks, recent widower and vagabond. She had sought out this remote area in hopes of settling, but was unaware of the prejudices and superstitious nature of its locals. 

Before Leona could meet one acquaintance Mr. Peel, ex-mayor of the village spread a nasty rumor in passing. The word traveled quickly through silver tongue fool’s that a witch had arrived to torment. Leona would now be shunned by all but one man, Ian Manning. 

Will Leona find a home within the village proper or be shunned by its residents? Why do so many of the townsfolk believe Leona is a witch? Who or what is casting hexes on the locals in favor of Leona’s wellbeing?

A Date With Yesterday 

Lilian Himes always felt out of place in modern society. She never watched television, didn’t care for movies, and her morals were considered old fashioned. When Lilian moved to the big city to find work she felt even more out of touch. Her life was miserable until that one late summer evening in August. 

A couple of biker gang members took an interest in Lillian as she walked by their clubhouse near 48th street. They began taunting her with catcalls but the situation quickly escalated into a full on physical attack. Then out of nowhere a cop pulled the degenerates off her and began to assault the two men with a billy club. They quickly fled leaving the officer to tend to Lillian.

Why has Lillian always felt so out of place in the modern world of 1975? Is that policeman dressed in a uniform from 80 years ago? Why does he always disappear under the broken streetlight on 49th and Western Ave?

A Woman Cries

The manor house of Damon Tilyard sat vacant for over 100 years after his ship went down on the English Channel. The playboy gentleman left a mountain of debt and a young widow who disappeared soon after. No one discovered her fate, until Calvin Robb purchased the estate. 

Though several locals tried to discourage the man from completing the sale, Calvin brushed off the spectral tales of wailing ghosts as superstitious nonsense. The jaded bachelor moved into the manor within the month and began making plans to restore the neglected property. On his third night in the house, Calvin heard the tormented cries of a young woman coming from within the walls themselves!

What really happened to the wife of Damon Tilyard 100 years ago? Why does the new owner of the Tilyard Manor swear to never love again? Can a tormented soul be given a second chance at life? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

Long are the days of Steve Ditko, Tom Sutton, and Joe Staton. For some reason, I’m guessing the decision to change the release schedule from quarterly to annual, then back to quarterly again, but Charlton Comics replaced the original artists with a new lineup of people. Joe Gill stays on as head writer for issue number eight. 

I have to be honest, I really struggled getting through this issue in one sitting. Joe Gill’s stories are definitely unique, but in my opinion are bland. The artwork is also lacking in inspiration. I’m not sure about the history of the new lineup of artists but it’s just not the same as the earlier issues.

I did find the “Baron Weirwolf’s Haunted Library” advertisement more interesting than the actual stories. Who is the guy congratulating the Baron on his new series? It totally looks like a generic Doctor Strange character. Maybe it’s a dig on the Marvel Comics character? I’m going to give this issue three out of five stars.



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