Hellcat – Volume 02 Issue 05

Hellcat – Volume 02 Issue 05

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“The Season Finale”

Patsy Walker has stepped through the True-Form Doorway and her demon exterior has been revealed.  Shocked by the experience her mind flashes through all the events leading up to this moment. Who has been by her side for most of it? Daimon Hellstrom! Something tells her the Son of Satan was always her true love, but can it be? Before her fragile mind can comprehend the answer she lashes our at the demon Blackheart. 

In her enhanced hell-state the woman formerly dawning the title of hero slashes out at the black one. Patsy makes quick work of Mephisto’s number one killer. Before Daimon Hellstrom can finish gloating over the kill the dream inspector, Sleepwalker arrives on the scene. The avatar of Rick Sheridan and enforcer of Dreamscapes knows who truly murdered Spalding Grantham. Patsy Walker had been played right from the beginning by none other than the Son of Lies himself, Hellstrom.

Can Spalding Grantham and Sleepwalker break through the layers of damage fogging Patsy Walker’s psyche? Who performed the exorcism which banished the ghost of Dorothy Walker? Exactly how many times has Patsy died in the first place? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes 

Wow, so a lot HAS happened to poor Patsy since the “Patsy Walker A.K.A. Hellcat!” days. This is another quick read but at least they tie everything up in a nice package. We get a small sample of her past and the times she has died and gone to hell. Marvel even list the various series she has been in that leads up to Volume 02. No mention of the A.K.A. Hellcat though. What gives?

Anyways, this was a decent series with some minor plot twists. I would recommend it, but to be truthful, I miss the fun Hellcat. This issue gets a four out of five star rating from me. The series overall is a solid four star series. It was fun to see Sleepwalker again. What an interesting character to keep around. Any Patsy Walker fan worth their salt should get Volume 02. Enough said, I’m hitting the True-Form Doorway.



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