Joe Fixit – Volume 01 Issue 04

Joe Fixit – Volume 01 Issue 04

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“Joe Fixit #04”

With Spider-Man disposed of, and Joe Fixit missing in action, Wilson Fisk takes control of the Coliseum Casino property. Within hours two new enforcers have arrived at the Las Vegas Airport. As the mystery muscle makes their way to the Vegas Strip, Berengetti’s former business partners are summoned for a sit down.

Across town at an undisclosed penthouse suite, another figure of the Maggia – one Luchino Nefaria, conducts a sit down of his own. The Count has assembled a ragtag team of powered individuals to aid in ousting the Kingpin permanently. Now to discuss the contract details.

Can the combined forces of the Masked Marauder, Hydro-man, Whiplash, and Nefaria reestablish Mob rule on the Las Vegas Strip? Who will defend the Kingpin now that Joe Fixit is plummeting to his death? Does Spider-Man have any last tricks up his sleeve…or mask? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

Wow, we went from zero to hero in issue number four of Joe Fixit! I was more than a little disappointed by the amount of content provided in the last issue (for the sticker price). Now we have multiple players looking to take control of the storyline. I was quite pleased at who Peter David selected to join Kingpin’s security detail. Nefaria and his team were a real surprise for me. I don’t know alot about these D-listers, but isn’t Nefaria a uber-powered one-man army on his own? Isn’t the Masked Marauder the same mutant powered weirdo as the Black Marauder of Team America fame? I hope these fellas have their medical insurance paid up. Joe Fixit, this month you earned a 4 out of 5 star review.



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