Mecha – Volume 01 Issue 02

Mecha – Volume 01 Issue 02

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“On The Inside, Looking Out”

From a hidden position inside an asteroid belt, a mysterious metal giant sits in wait as alien mecha scan the debris field for possible dangers. The pilot of the concealed robot switches the giant’s long range targeting system from passive to active as the Insectoid monsters hover closer to its position. How many of these things occupy this sector of space? From the size of the battleship floating at the edge of the asteroid belt, hundreds, maybe thousands. The observing pilot moves a hand control just slightly causing the concealed mech to unsheath a giant sword like an ancient samurai warrior. It’s time to thin the herd.

Sundown has come to the uncharted South Pacific Island recently surrounded by a taskforce of U.S. Navy destroyers. Jack Pierce and his shipmates were immediately placed into “protective custody” by the commanding officer in a move to suppress the event. Several hours have passed since the outlandish battle took place, and only one mecha remains intact. Fortunately for Jack, it was the one carrying his young son Terry. Now the Pierce family has been placed under arrest as the navy begins a material recovery operation. 

Will the mysterious pilot of the samurai mecha be able to survive such overwhelming odds in space? Where have the two pilots of the white and green mechs taken Terry Pierce? Is there a secret international space station housing alien technology drifting in our night’s sky? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes 

The drama begins to heat up as our heroes are drawn closer and closer to the truth. It should be obvious by now the mecha are not of this world. But hey, if anyone can reverse engineer crashed alien technology it’s our US Government. Booyah! Let’s hope Terry survives the truth serum cocktails administered by the space police. How can that be bad for a developing child? 

I was a little sad after reading the front page newsletter and finding out issue one was so popular it completely sold out. Yet no one remembers this series at all. Dark Horse Comics barely mentions this on their own website. I know giant robots are passé now, but where are all the vintage Dark Horse collectors out there? This series should have been bigger than it was, in my biased opinion.  

As a bonus to the monthly storyline Dark Horse includes a detailed layout of the Iron Maiden mecha in the back of this comic. If you like giant robot schematics or cross-sectional art, you are in luck as each issue going forward features another mecha design. To me, the story and art still holds up to modern standards. Yes, this is a Robotech knock-off. No, I don’t care. It’s different enough to keep me interested in the storyline. Mecha #02 is worthy of four out of five stars. Dark Horse Comics reps, it’s time to dust off this series and launch it into the 21st century!



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