Midnight Suns – Volume 01 Issue 05

Midnight Suns – Volume 01 Issue 05

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Smoke And Mirrors

Fighting their way through the realm of vapors, the Midnight Suns discover that the demon Valtorr has been murdered by his own general Korrosion. If the demon corpse rots on the throne of Valtorr, who leads the army to Earth? 

New Orleans – Earth, Agatha Harkness and Zoe Laveau watch as Korrosion steps through the Laveau family mirror. This is not the biggest surprise they will receive today. The demon general reveals herself as Agatha’s long lost coven member Corina! Corina explains how she defeated her captor by learning his magic throughout her enslavement. The arrogant Valtorr never saw it coming.

Will the Midnight Suns find their way back to Earth 616 in time to stop Korrosion from finishing her ritual? Can Wolverine survive the realm of vapors without his protective armor? How much does magic piss him off anyways? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes 

This is the final issue in the 2022 Midnight Suns miniseries. To get the most out of this I think it would be best to get all the books first, or buy the trade paperback, then read the story in one sitting. As a guy who really wasn’t invested in this storyline, I struggled to remember the details from the previous four issues. 

Being a collector of silver and bronze age books, I’m not as knowledgeable on some of the newer characters as I would like to be. For example:  Zoe Laveau, Spirit Rider, Nico. I know little about them. Maybe if the readers play the Midnight Suns video game it will help fill in the details? I can not be certain. I’m giving this issue four out of five stars. The overall series gets four out of five stars as well. On to the next adventure for me…



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