Night Nurse – Volume 01 Issue 02

Night Nurse – Volume 01 Issue 02

My Rating

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“Night Of Tears… Night Of Truth!”

Linda Carter was completely exhausted after working a swing-shift at the Metropolitan General Hospital earlier that day. Before she could even make it halfway home a terrible hit-and-run accident unfolded in front of her eyes. A young girl, probably returning from a night of partying, was struck down by a dark green Cadillac as she crossed the street. The accident happened so quickly Linda couldn’t even get the plate number as the vehicle sped off to evade arrest.

When an Ambulance arrived minutes later, Linda was already in full triage mode. Two police officers who showed up almost arrested her before they realized she was a fully trained nurse. Officer Flanigan helped clear the scene of onlookers as Linda Carter began artificial respiration on the girl. The ambulance crew helped stabilize the injuries, loaded the girl onto a stretcher, and within minutes the ambulance sped off to Metro General.

One hour later Fenton Greeley, the city’s police commissioner, bounds through the doors of the emergency room entrance. The hit-and-run victim is none other than Fenton’s daughter, Betsy! The unruly man begins to bark orders at the resident doctors. No one will perform surgery on his daughter at this subpar hospital! Where is the Fenton family’s private surgeon, Dr. Sutton?

Will Christine Palmer leave her job at Metro-General to become Dr. William Sutton’s personal assistant? What keeps happening to Dr. Tryon’s supply request forms and prescription drugs pads? Can Linda Carter and Dr. Tryon discover the truth behind the missing medications in the hospital pharmacy? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

As someone who has worked in and around the hospital setting for twenty years, I have to say things are way, way, way…different now since the good old days of 1972. With that said, this is my favorite issue in the Night Nurse series. An overbearing surgeon with a chip on his shoulder seems to just waltz in and take over the surgery wing of Metropolitan General Hospital with a snap of his finger. Yeah, right.

The pharmacy shenanigans found here would also never happen today. That shits locked up tighter than a dolphins button. Literally. Say goodbye to Doctor Feelgood!

The best part of issue two is the twist ending. I won’t spoil it here, but if you can find a copy of this comic definitely pick it up. This series is on the rare side, so any condition book will hold its value. I’m a reader, not a speculator, so the story is top notch in my opinion.  I’m giving Night Nurse number two another 5 out of 5 stars.



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