Night Nurse – Volume 01 Issue 04

Night Nurse – Volume 01 Issue 04

My Rating

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“The Secret Of Sea-Cliff Manor!”

Racked by guilt for becoming involved with the unscrupulous Dr. William Sutton, Christine Palmer has left Metropolitan General Hospital to pursue a medical career as a private nurse. Two months have passed and the heavy spring rains have brought a new cycle of life to the northeast. Against her father’s wishes, the young nurse takes a charter bus to Boston, then transfers to a bus headed north to Newport. 

The weather breaks temporarily but Christine’s luck does not. The residents of the small town seem to behave very oddly towards her. No one is willing to drive to the old house known as Sea-Cliff Manor where Christine is expected. The local cab company driver talks curses and ghosts, and drives off in a huff. After an hour the rain begins again. This time it’s what the locals call a “squall”. A young teenage boy driving an old blue Chevy pickup takes pity on Chrstine and she finally makes it to the coast.

Sea-Cliff Manor is an intimidating site from the roadside. The house is a gaudy old Victorian built back at the height of the whaling industry years. Now it sits high above the Atlantic shoreline haunting the lighthouse set on a rocky island a quarter mile out to sea. Christine rushes up the stone steps towards the front porch of the edifice. After much convincing, the soaked nurse is finally shown inside by the Porter family’s aging butler, Harold.

Will Christine Palmer succeed at her new career as a private nurse physiotherapist? Who stalks the grounds of the family manor at Sea-Cliff and the abandoned lighthouse proper? Is someone trying to kill Derek Porter before he can be rehabilitated from his paralysis? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

Can you say “Scooby Doo, where are you”? I knew that you could. We have come to the last issue in the original Night Nurse comic book series. This time we find our missing Christine Palmer taking on a job as a private nurse for a fading upper class family called the Porters. Edna Porter is an elderly woman taking care of her thirty-something son Derek. There is a whole lot of mystery going on in the halls of Sea-Cliff Manor. Is it supernatural or a vengeful caretaker?

This is my second favorite story in the run. I’m not sure if the writers were just throwing darts at a dartboard, or if Roy Thomas had a plan for future stories, but the stalker mystery was very 1970’s. I love it. I won’t spoil the plot too much, but if you like shows like Scooby Doo, Kolchak – the Night Stalker, or the Hardy Boys you will get a kick out of this one. Issue number four gets 5 out of 5 stars from me. Read on, McDuff!



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