Patsy Walker A.K.A. Hellcat! – Volume 01 Issue 04

Patsy Walker A.K.A. Hellcat! – Volume 01 Issue 04

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

Casiolena, totally not the Enchantress, has been booted from Asgard. Now she sulks inside her Midgard hideout, a.k.a. an abandoned mental health hospital on Roosevelt Island. Today is the day she makes her mark on the humans and their duck/humanoid accomplices. Time for some anarchy!

Brooklyn, at the Wishful Inking tattoo parlor, Patsy Walker has just started yet another career path. Welcome to the high stakes world of appointment scheduling! Cue the Duck with the mouth… Howard makes the scene and rats out Patsy’s new boss. Thanks for the information, feathers. 

Will Hellcat make her appointment with She-Hulk, attorney at law? Who the heck is Poppo the Cunning? What is the “bag lady’s” supervillain name again? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

Yet another fun romp in the world of Patsy Walker. People were complaining about Disney’s new She-Hulk television show not sticking to the traditional stories in the comic books. The naysayers clearly haven’t read this series. The Patsy comic book lawsuit is very similar to the She-Hulk episode where Jennifer Walters gets her persona stolen. 

Howard the Duck makes an appearance in this issue as well. Bonus! I have his solo run from this time period. I think it ties in with the Hellcat series at some point. I does a crossover with Squirrel Girl. Keeping my fingers crossed. I’m giving this issue four spontaneous tattoo decisions out of five.



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