Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! – Volume 01 Issue 17

Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! – Volume 01 Issue 17

My Rating

Rating: 5 out of 5.

The End Of All Things

Patsy just received a certified letter from a familiar law office across town. What is it, what is it?! It’s only the biggest royalty check anyone has ever seen on 28 Jay Street. Ka-CHING!!! There are so many zeros it looks like a ghost talking. What’s better than being set for life? Finding out your best friend is out of the hospital. Jennifer Walters is alive!

Time for a shopping spree with the gang. Ugh oh, who turned out the lights at the Brooklyn Mall? It’s the newest supervillain duo known as the Somnambulists! Wait, who?! Oh no, not the stalker sisters! Time for some last minute hijinks before the curtain call.

Will Patsy keep her temp agency open? Can a villainous duo buy their complete costumes at the Goth Topic store? How many bad guys has Hellcat put behind bars? Collect this final issue to find out!

Reviewer Notes

Well, I picked up this series as I was a fan of the Unbeatable Squirrel comic book series. I was hoping for something similar to keep me entertained. Even though there are similarities in the writing, and Doreen Green shows up in a few of the stories, Patsy Walker is definitely her own unique character.  

Would I have bought this series knowing now what I do? Probably. I love the anime/manga style influenced artwork. I’m a fan of anything with good comedy writing. In some of the later issues it clearly becomes a female centered comic, which is fine. I don’t think the general male demographics will enjoy this series. Maybe I’m wrong. Being an older reader I can’t speak for today’s fans.

Overall I give this finale five out of five stars. The series is a solid five star run in my opinion. If you can find the series for a good price, it’s worth the buy.



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