Red Sonja – Volume 07 Issue 02

Red Sonja – Volume 07 Issue 02

My Rating

Rating: 3 out of 5.

“His Master’s Voice – Part 02”

Red Sonja stands in the middle of a Gadahul Tavern with a sword drawn. The cheerful crowd of local patrons have suddenly turned on the crimson haired daughter of Hyrkania. Each assailant possesses a dead look in their eyes brought on by some group hypnosis. From slacken mouths the lot of them begin to chant in unison, “kill Red Sonja”. Sonja prepares to defend herself against a plethora of makeshift weapons gathered from nearby dining utensils and broken chair bits.

Vestfold, inside the western border kingdoms, prosperity has returned to the land thanks to the sacrifices made by their leader Thord Varg. The fields are golden with the finest wheat, the livestock has grown fat off the blackened dirt of the land, all seems well, but is it? The people are more sullen than ever before. Whatever Thord had offered in tribute to the gods for a flourishing kingdom is now expected nightly by the moon’s zenith. Peasants have become enslaved in the fields as their children are sacrificed on stone altars bathed in blood.

Inside the Vault of Vestfold, Thord Varg frantically searches through  ancient texts for a key. Yes, of course, the Black Diamond of Princess Alaberta, but it has gone missing! What roguish mongrel now holds the sacred artifact leading to Vestfold’s salvation? Red Sonja! Thord calls upon his riders to assemble. The redheaded scourge must be captured at all costs!

Is Red Sonja being spied upon by the black crows of the border kingdoms? Why are the whispers not affecting those with little wealth? Can Red Sonja defeat Varg’s Riders in a duel of wit and steel? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes 

Issue two has arrived and the story arc hasn’t made much traction. Red Sonja continues to evade the mysterious hold Thord Varg has on random groups of people. It looks like Vestfold is totally screwed now thanks to whichever god or goddess has sunken their claws into it. At least Sonja has some formidable villains this time around in the form of Varg’s Riders. I guess we will have to wait and see how things play out.

I’m giving this one three stars. The art is good, the writing is okay, I was just hoping for more storyline. With the release of the  Conan the Barbarian series by Titan Books, Red Sonja producers will definitely have to step up their game. Until next time…



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