Red Sonja – Volume 07 Issue 06

Red Sonja – Volume 07 Issue 06

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“His Master’s Voice – Part 06”

Death has come to Red Sonja, the deceit was fatal. The possessed warrior who brought her into the inner circle thrust his blade deep into her chest. As Sonja lay dying on the stone floor her blood mixes with the black diamond necklace. The voices within begin to call her name. They offer everything for the price of a soul. Sonja chooses death.

Her eyes open, but not to the lush forest lands of the Border Kingdoms. No, Sonja has been spirited away to an unknown realm filled with the damned souls who march for Thord Varg. These are the oath takers, and this domain is both prison and their reward.

Will they escape the deity who hoards over them? What purpose has Kulan Gath in all of this? Can Red Sonja stay the offerings promised by the black diamond necklace? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

The war is over and the end is in sight, but what is next for Sonja? I must say out of the last few issues in this series this has to be my favorite. I was mostly interested in seeing what happened to Kulan Gath here as he’s a legacy character, but the art was the main draw in my opinion.

The story in itself was serviceable, but after several issues of location jumping, the monotonous names given to the cities and characters seem to blend into a generic mess.  This really took me out of the overall plot. Without writing down the names and a brief description of who, or what they represent, I imagine myself becoming completely lost very quickly.

Let me be clear, this is not the fault of Torunn Gronbekk specifically, it is an artifact of the fantasy genre as a whole. For those like me who dip their toe into a fantasy setting only on occasion, I feel that some details are lost upon me. You almost have to live and breathe these worlds in order to get the most out of everything.

Overall I give this issue four out of five stars. If you’re a fan of Red Sonja, definitely check this one out. Now I need to read Savage Red Sonja to see how that fits into everything.



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Cover Artist(s)



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