Robin Plus – Volume 01 Issue 02

Robin Plus – Volume 01 Issue 02

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“The Lycanthropy Bop

The thunder of a half dozen Harley Davidson motorcycles roared through a back alley street somewhere in Eastlyn. The nights in Gotham City always bring out the worst in people. It’s even worse when tourists come to town. Robin is on the prowl tonight and the rogue biker gang has caught his attention. 

They are the Bandidos alright and they have targeted a young metal head. The man is running in full desperation from the gang but they haven’t caught him yet. Time to try out some of those new moves Bats has been teaching! 

Far away another gang watches the action through the scopes of long rifles. They smirk as their long time enemy makes quick work of the degenerates on wheels. The men known as the False-Facers ready their weapons as Robin starts a conversation with the young runaway. Black Mask better pay that fifty grand and then some.

Hours later a squat looking troll named Swindon sits quietly at a dive bar named Al & Rick’s Lizard Lounge. The news has returned and the Bandidos’ leader is not happy. No one said anything about a werewolf! It was supposed to be an easy hit. To make things worse the Batman is involved. R-Complex needs to up the ante or the bikers will walk away from the hunt.

Before Swindon can talk his way out of an ass-beating, the sounds of approaching  motorcycles begin to grow from a distance. A whole lot more. What the Bandidos don’t know is their club is about to become extinct!

Is Gotham City about to have a sudden hairball problem? Can Jake Ketchum settle a long family dispute before Robin becomes street pizza? How many outfits does a werewolf go through in a night anyways? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

This is the last issue in the one-shot comic books dedicated to Scare Tactics. I don’t know much about the Gotham City scene, but in 1997 there were definitely much darker things stalking the streets than homicidal clowns. Look out Joker! 

Can anyone recommend more Gotham based books from the 1997 time frame? In any case, I recommend this book. Cheers!



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