Secret Invasion – Volume 02 Issue 01

Secret Invasion – Volume 02 Issue 01

My Rating

Rating: 5 out of 5.

 “Full of Surprises”

Jerkwater – Iowa, (then), the man, the myth, the eyepatch stands over a dead body as the family looks on in glee. It has to be a Skrull, right? Nick Fury looks puzzled by the children’s chipper attitude. How can he explain that Skrulls transform back to their natural state when stone cold corpses. Nick glimpses over to a family photo sitting on a dresser. The clothes. Why is it the same…oh, sh*t!

Langley – Virginia, CIA headquarters. Ex director Fury waits impatiently at the check in desk as the receptionist calls upstairs for Maria Hill. This unscheduled visit is very irregular, but it is Nick Fury. Come right up, the order is given without hesitation. Maria meets and listens to her old boss’s tale. How are you feeling Nick? A red button is pressed in response to his answer…

How many Skrull invasions does it take to get that free decoder ring? Who has the new and improved Danger Room decor? In Iowa can no one hear you scream? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

Kevin North is back and the Skrull invasion is on! I’ve been waiting for a new title to come out with Kevin in the driver’s seat. This is it. He has had plenty of experience writing Skrull stories and the good times keep rolling on.

In this issue we get a retired Nick Fury investigating a Midwest farm house. Trouble insuses and we are off to the races. I don’t want to give too much detail as there is a twist. I definitely recommend getting this series if you are an Avengers fan. I’m giving this one 5 wallpaper cloaks out of 5. Very entertaining right off the bat.



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