She-Hulk – Volume 04 Issue 05

She-Hulk – Volume 04 Issue 05

My Rating

Rating: 3 out of 5.

“Starlucks Coffee”

Somewhere in downtown Manhattan, She-Hulk and Jack Of Hearts take a midmorning stroll. With Starlucks Coffee in hand the two discuss Jack’s future. Suddenly a hulking brute of a man bum-rushes Jack! Who is this guy? Why is he talking in riddles? 

After a brief fight, a small silver haired woman named April calms the enraged assailant. Who is going to pay for the furniture? Is it ol’ green jeans?

Later that night Jennifer and Jack have dinner in the theater district. What are Jack Of Hearts plans? Is there a haunted mansion calling for a new occupant? Who is the simple giant who talks in nursery rhymes? Collect the series to find out…

Reviewer Notes

I can’t say much about this issue as nothing of importance really happened. We are given a very tiny “slice of life” in this issue. The art is good. Not much else to comment on. There is a possible character introduced. Who knows? I give this issue three Starluck coffees out of five.



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Cover Artist(s)



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