She-Hulk – Volume 04 Issue 13

She-Hulk – Volume 04 Issue 13

My Rating

Rating: 2 out of 5.

“Girl Can’t Help It – Part 03”

“Are you seeing someone new?” A simple question from a friend and former coworker. Patsy Walker, a.k.a. Hellcat, had to ask Jennifer at their new weekly get-together. Dubbed “eat cake in fancy dresses Wednesdays” this had become Jennifer Walters only free time away from the office. 

Why was she still thinking about that obnoxious thief anyways? Jack and her had been experiencing some rocky times in their relationship recently, but they were still a couple. Who was she kidding? Jennifer could have told her boss to chill on the extreme caseload. She didn’t. The Fantastic Four  could get another Hulk to back them up. She still took the job. Patsy was right. Jennifer was finding new excuses to spend less time with Jack. It really wasn’t fair to him.

Before the mighty She-Hulk could finish her rich German chocolate cake a familiar face passed by the restaurant. It was him! The man behind the Scoundrel mask was walking down the Manhattan sidewalk, as if tempting her to follow. Jennifer excused herself from Patsy and dashed out the front door looking for the man who had gotten into her kitchen recently. It’s time to confront this guy.

Will Jennifer Walters finally be honest with herself and cut Jack of Hearts loose? Who is the Scoundrel really working for anyways? Can Mallory Book find another attorney willing to take on the weirdo cases? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes 

Wow, back to the monotony of the lovers quarrel. Nothing new is covered in this issue except we learn the Scoundrel’s first name. Lookout Pulitzer, get ready to hand out a prize. Maybe the Wednesday cake day will suffice, but for me She-Hulk #13 gets two out of five stars.



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