Spider-Man: Unforgiven

Spider-Man: Unforgiven

My Rating

Rating: 5 out of 5.

Horror Stuff…

Late-night, Queens – New York, a strange looking hipster woman climbs up a fire escape ladder leading to the roof of the Kilimanjaro Imports building. The bottom floor of the building is all retail space, the upper floors are residential. The weirdly dressed woman moves extraordinarily fast up the old rungs. A nearby observer watches intently as his target reaches the roof. It’s time to move in!

Elsewhere, in an undisclosed New York city  cemetery, a young woman named Corey Leach makes her way through a labyrinth of mausoleums. Somewhere inside the grounds a name waits for her. It’s the night of her initiation and she must not fail her master. As Corey makes her way deeper into the property shadows begin to leap about her general position. Is this it?

Kilimanjaro Imports – 20 minutes later, another set of eyes begins to watch the original watcher. These eyes belong to something more adapted to the dark. A vampire follows the movements of Spider-Man as he makes his way inside the building across the street. A call is made to the master. It’s time for the group to leave the cemetery ritual and converge upon the building in Queens. The friendly neighborhood wall crawler is no match for what lays inside. The Unforgiven is a go!

Will Spider-Man be able to rescue an overzealous nonagenarian? What are the weaknesses of the Anchorite, Mysticism, Tryk, and the Siren sects? How many sick “True Blood” references can Raizo Kodo endure? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes 

Wow, finally a new release title I can…sink my teeth into… I had no idea who or what the Unforgiven were, but now that I’ve read this issue I’m definitely hooked. In a nutshell, Spider-Man stumbles across a group of vampires turned monster hunters. All we need now is a crotchety old lady with a flakey disposition. Oh wait, check! 

If you are a fan of the Blade, or the Midnight Sons series, you will definitely want to check this book out. This issue has everything from magic, to vampires, and all those things that go bump in the night. The Unforgiven reminded me a lot of the vampire team from the Blade II movie. I’m giving Spider-Man: Unforgiven 5 out of 5 stars. Now to wait for the X-Men follow-up book.



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