Star Wars: Return of the Jedi – Ewoks

Star Wars: Return of the Jedi – Ewoks

My Rating

Rating: 5 out of 5.


Night has come to the forest moon of Endor. As bonfires are being lit across the tree village of Chief Chirpa, Ewok families begin to congregate around the Royal Hut. It is time for the weekly celebration and storytelling.  The tribal shaman known as Logray calls for the first tale of adventure. 

“The Woklings’ Tale”

Falloo is the daughter of proud but stubborn parents. They never minded her disappearing for hours at a time to play, but when food stuffs began missing their eyes became more observant. One day the two followed their daughter from a distance into the deep forest. Where could Falloo be going with her Bordok pet?

An hour passes until the worried parents hear what sounded like singing and laughter. What could the foolish Falloo be up to? With some stealth maneuvering Falloo would come to see for themselves. Is that a Dulok? Alarm, alarm! They must rescue their daughter before it’s too late!

What is the animosity between the Ewok and Dulok tribes? Can the daughters of two enemies find peace with the sharing of sunberries? Is this a call for sunnydew flower juice?

“Paploo’s Tale”

Remember the hunting party from years ago? The ones who became lost when their prey scattered into the deep forest. No? Chief Chirpa sent many scouts to find the missing tribesmen, all returned empty handed except for Red Hood. Red Hood never returned at all. 

Unfortunately no one in the village seems to remember Red Hood’s name, or those of the missing party. It’s funny how time erases things. Rumor has it, Red Hood came across the hunters. Or, as Paploo tells it, pieces of the hunters. It was pure slaughter.

As Red Hood inspected the mangle corpses of his fellow tribesmen, something sinister stalked him from the nearby treeline. A creature rarely seen in this part of the forest. Paploo leaned closer to the bonfire. His eyes scan the faces of the Ewok children sitting nearby. Only one thing can lure a beast of this enormous size. Fresh meat!

Whatever became of Red Hood and the missing Hunting party? Has anyone ever seen a Gorgax in the wild? How much blood was there, really?

“Peekpa’s Tale”

Peekpa was a dreamer. All her life she looked away – to the future, to the horizon. Never her mind on where she was, what she was doing. Technology was her vice. Ever since the white-shelled invaders arrived from the stars, Peekpa was hooked on their technology.  The crazy sounds, the blinking lights, the explosions!

Twenty sun cycles ago, one of the invaders’ flying machines crashed in the forest south of the village. None of Peekpa’s friends seem interested in the debris. No worries, more salvage for Peekpa. She set to work learning to repair the pile of metal. What do the strange symbols INT-4 represent? It’s time to trackdown some more of the white-shell’s blinky bits!

Can Peekpa become a master slicer by flying to the stars? How many times will the white-shells fall for the vine between two trees, trap? Is it red vine to red vine, or red vine to blue vine? Collect the one-shot to find out!

Reviewer Notes

(This collection of stories apparently takes place months before Luke Skywalker and his band of Rebels land on the forest moon of Endor. Those pesky Imperial shield generators. With that said…) 

I had no expectations when purchasing this book other than Ewoks are awesome. Just look at the primary cover. Wicket! Hello?! Forty years later and we are still hooked on Yub Nub. 

There is absolutely no dialog in this book, but that’s okay. This is visual storytelling at its best. Marvel Comics gives us three campfire stories starring all new Ewok and Dulok characters. Yes, yes, Wicket, Logray, and some of the original cast of Ewoks are present. We even get an obscure callback to Kenner Toys toy line in the form of the INT-4 interceptor. If I remember correctly that toy was a mail order exclusive in the beginning. Better clip those Kenner points now!

My favorite part of this whole book was Paploo’s horror story. The art! The atmosphere! Simply sinister! I’m giving the Ewoks 5 out of 5 stars.



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