Steelworks – Volume 01 Issue 04

Steelworks – Volume 01 Issue 04

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.


Disaster! Something has caused Superboy’s heat vision to overload, causing major damage throughout Centennial Park and the surrounding structures. As John Henry Irons was announcing his discovery of unlimited energy to all of Metropolis, a rogue unit of cybernetic soldiers used Superboy’s meltdown to attack the annual Superman Day event. 

The following day every news organization in Metropolis was covering the battle between the mysterious robots and the Superman Family. Aided by Steel, the machines were stopped, but it is unclear who was behind the attack. Inside Steelworks tower Lana Lang plays test subject as John performs several Sub-molecular scans to determine what is affecting her powers. After a few hours the test results come back with unexpected results. Something has warped Lana’s molecules..

Outside, around the ground level of the building, dozens of Steelworks security guards have set up a parameter with shield Drones flying in support. If another wave of androids come for the Zero-point energy reactor they receive a warm welcome. If only they knew about the phase shifting thief racing towards the front door, maybe they could warn Steel and Superwoman before it was too late.

What is causing the molecules in the Kryptonians to warp out of control? Will Charles Walker III get his hands on the Zero-point energy technology? Can the new supervillain known as the Silver Mist be stopped by physical means? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes 

Damn. How many Batman books does DC Comics release a month? I swear, every other page was an ad for more Batman titles. I’m here for Steel, mister!

Things are not looking good for team “free unlimited energy”. Who would have ever guessed technology recovered from a place called Warworld could cause a major health outbreak on an alien population? Not me. Hah, just kidding, but seriously folks, hopefully the citizens of Metropolis haven’t raced out and purchased electric vehicles just yet.

Overall I did enjoy the story so I will give it four out of five stars. Hopefully Batman gets to take a day off and enjoy the weather once in a while. Seriously DC, how many Batman titles are in the works?



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