Steelworks – Volume 01 Issue 05

Steelworks – Volume 01 Issue 05

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“Power Trip”

Revenge! The time has come for Charles Walker III and Shawn Kerry to punish John Henry Irons for bankrupting Amertek Industries. Both men blame the genius behind Steelworks for their financial ruin,  among other things. Shawn in particular associates his wife’s death with John. The man has never been the same since Melissa’s passing.

Underneath the Walker Industries Building sleeps a metal giant. This war machine is Charles’ life work. A technological wonder in robotics and cybernetic neuroworks, the only missing piece was a power source. Thanks to the Silver Mist’s raid into the Steelworks Vault, Walker Industries has in its possession the Zero-point energy reactor. Time to plug and play!

Sean and Walker’s bodyguard, Stax, watch as their demented employer begins to flip an array of switches in a nearby control booth. Within seconds the overhead lights begin to illuminate the full size of the Walker Industries top secret prototype. After the final series of flood lights powered up, Sean Kerry takes notice of the giant Steelworks logo imprinted on the chest of the battle mech for the first time. It’s clear now what his boss intends to do. Defame and punish!

Can John Henry Irons recover his prized Zero-point energy reactor before Metropolis suffers another cataclysm? Will Lana help John overcome his innermost fear of a world without self-reliance? Has the Super Family received permanent damage from the radiation leaked in the reactor experiments? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

Michael Dorn has brought us to the climax of the Steelworks saga and it appears the Super Family will have to cheer from the sidelines. That pesky Zero-point energy is a serious foil. Frowny face initiated.

Even though I don’t follow 99.999% of the modern DC Comics line, I can say I’ve thoroughly enjoyed this series so far. I first became aware of Steel while reading a story arc written after the death of Superman (the Millennium Giants crossover event to be exact). The character appeals to me because his tech allows him to best some of the more powerful Metahumans. Oh, and look out for that kinetic hammer!

I think pairing Sami Basri’s art with Michael Dorn writing has produced a solid run of books. I hope DC has future plans for Michael and this version of Steel. I’m giving this issue of Steelworks four out of five stars. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for the Walker Industries Mecha to step on Superboy. Seriously, who’s with me?!



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