Superboy Plus – Volume 01 Issue 02

Superboy Plus – Volume 01 Issue 02

My Rating

Rating: 4 out of 5.

The Serpent and the Rainbow / The Downward Spiral

Metropolis, the shining beacon of America, is a bustle today. In the downtown shopping district residents look up into the afternoon sky with baited breath. They are eager to catch a glimpse of their youngest hero, Superboy. 

The Kryptonian hasn’t been seen for quite some time. Metropolis is a well defined safe space for all who live there. Crime is low. People thrive where there is wealth and prosperity. But for those living in the sewers, it’s a world apart. 

Cheers erupt as the coveted Superboy swoops down to talk with a crowd of families. Two snake-like eyes watch the scene from a nearby sewer vent. Rage and jealousy begins to build in the mind of one Jimmy Tilton. 

Slither was instructed by his friend Arnold Burnsteel to find refuge with a group known as Project Cadmus. They are the only experts who can help protect the mutating metahuman and keep him safe from the rogue government agency known as R-Complex. How is one so alien looking going to blend in and find the secret group?

Two thousand miles west, deep underground in the R-Complex research base, Arnold Burnsteel and Fate sneak along a corridor. They have a rescue mission and Arnie’s constant chattering is going to get them caught. Jarred barks at Arnold as they make another turn in the catacombs. Then they see it all. 

The tech! That beautiful alien tech! Both men’s jaws drop in awe at the scene before them unfolds. In a giant hanger bay, multiple space ships float in stasis as men scurry about performing some unknown experiments. Burnsteel chuckles with excitement. The conspiracies were true. All of them!

Will Arnold and Jarred continue their bro-down or rescue the hostages? Will Superboy and Jimmy stop their bro-down for the greater good? Can Dubbilex settle the great Windows versus Mac debate? Collect the series to find out!

Reviewer Notes

This was another fun one-shot event. I’m not very knowledgeable about the DC universe but it was interesting to research these characters. Dubbilex, the Guardian, and Superboy are really neat from a 1997 perspective. I’m going to have to look for more books from that time period.  I recommend this issue if you are collecting the Scare Tactics run.



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