My Rating ★★★★★ Eggs Got Legs! -- or Love Conquers All! Somewhere inside the Bermuda Triangle, miles below the surface of Monster Island, Reed Richards and his "wife" have the…
My Rating ★★★★★ Where Monsters Dwell The Fantastic Four have been killed and "Susan Storm" wants revenge! Equipped with a Sub-Photonic Spectro-Analyzer, and riding Reed Richards' experimental Gravity Wave Rider,…
My Rating ★★★★ “Huge Detective - Issue 01” They came from within the Earth. The Huge, they were titans. War came as humanity tried to send the gigantic humanoids back…
My Rating ★★★★ “The Room Of Madness!” The rug had survived the centuries, passed from one hand to another, all in an epic journey of evil. When business mogul Aldous…