My Rating ★★★★★ “The China Brain” The Baxter Building never came back! But why? Reed Richards looks out into the empty lot his family and friends once called home. His…
My Rating ★★★★★ "It's Slobberin' Time" Ben Grimm kneels in front of the Fantastic Four farmhouse with a hammer and wooden sign in his hands. There is a crudely painted…
My Rating ★★★★★ "The Long Way Home" Blackness with no stars. Where are the stars? The Vruzeox caretaker had been awoken early from his stasis pod only to be faced…
My Rating ★★★★★ "Art Is Long - And Life Is Short" The Fantastic Four is a house divided! The telepathic alien Xargorr has turned Ben Grimm, Reed Richards, and the…
My Rating ★★★★ "If Memory Serves…!" It's shopping day at the Fantastic Farmhouse and Ben wants snacks! If the local shopping mall sells laboratory flasks and geometry books the trip…